Hollywood’s award season is upon us. If we’re honest, celebrity-studded award shows have always felt more like glittering PR stunts than genuine celebrations of artistry. It’s a parade of millionaires handing each other gold statues in a celebration of privileged self-congratulations. Beneath the glitz and glamor, the reality is that studios who invest the most in “For Your Consideration” campaigns—ads, screenings, and endless schmoozing—are the ones that end up clutching the golden trophy.
Month: January 2025
Embracing Expertise
Well, it’s happened. The era of Big Data has become the era of Bad Data. For market researchers and their clients, the growing prevalence of bad data is bad news — and can lead to bad business decision-making. According to Greenbook’s 2024 GRIT findings, 44% of market research buyers were highly skeptical about the quality of their research more than once over a six-month period. Fast Company recently reported that between 15-30% of all collected market research data is fraudulent. A Gartner report estimates that all this bad data costs organizations around $12.9 million a year.
5 Is the Magic Number
Asking “why” may seem like a simple thing. But for a qualitative researcher, that little word “why” can be hugely transformative. At Thinkpiece, we believe that revealing the why behind the what leads to the truly game-changing insight. We’ll take it a step further: how often you ask why is almost as important as asking why itself.