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assortment of blog posts, news updates, and case studies for the
industries we specialize in. Pick our brains, and let us pick
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  • Blog

    AI Perspectives: Using AI to generate market research reports.

    Any qual market researcher will tell you that creating insightful, actionable, and attractive reports is a labor of love. For this AI Perspectives piece, CEO Bonnie Dibling, Tech Moderator Chris Dethloff, and COO/Director of Technology Research John Dibling weigh in on whether AI tools like ChatGPT can help make report generation less time consuming, or […]
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  • Blog

    AI Perspectives: The potential role of chatbots in moderating focus groups and interviews

    For the second installment of our AI Perspectives series, CEO Bonnie Dibling, Tech Moderator Chris Dethloff, and COO/Director of Technology Research John Dibling discuss the possibility of using chatbots to moderate qual market research. We’d love to hear your thoughts on the topic, too.
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  • Blog

    AI Perspectives: The impact of Al on qual according to different levels of knowledge

    We’ve been fielding a lot of questions from our clients about the practical role of generative Al and LLM tools like ChatGPT in qualitative market research. Which prompted us to create a series of Thinkpieces exploring common topics cropping up among our peers. Titled “Al Perspectives,” these pieces feature diverse perspectives from three members of […]
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  • Blog

    Post-Treatment Patient Studies: Understanding the Patient Journey after the Patient Journey

    In our previous post, “Surviving Survival: Unmooring After the Patient Journey,” we explored the myriad challenges patients and their families face after finishing treatment for a medical condition. We also encouraged healthcare and pharmaceutical companies — along with the market researchers who work with them — to include these post-treatment patients in qualitative research studies.
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  • Blog

    Surviving Survival: Patient Unmooring after the Patient Journey

    Bonnie Dibling, CEO & Lead Healthcare Researcher March 25, 2024 Over the span of my 25-year career in qualitative research, I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with healthcare and pharmaceutical innovators whose breakthrough treatments have helped countless patients struggling with serious and chronic conditions. In this work, I’ve seen first-hand the dedication, compassion, and drive […]
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  • Case Study

    Transformative Insight: Helping a Biotech Innovator Find Their Target Audience

    Patients with chronic conditions often live with near-constant pain and discomfort, compounded by long-term treatments that come with unpleasant side effects. So when a biotechnology company discovered that an existing treatment could be adapted to treat and possibly even cure a select group of non-malignant chronic diseases, they knew that had the potential for a […]
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  • Case Study

    Finding the path to sell a commoditized product

    Commodity products are particularly difficult to make appealing. Examples are everywhere - there’s only so much you can do to differentiate a paper towel. And it’s even more difficult to turn a commoditized service or product into an appealing tool in the B2B world.
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  • Case Study

    Working Together in a True Partnership Allowed Us to Uncover and Articulate the Core Motivating Factors of an Agent and Broker Relationship

    A leading property casualty and insurance company trusted our insight and experience to help them uncover what makes a lasting, positive agent and broker experience. Our industry experience allowed us to have deeper, more meaningful conversations and dialogue throughout the process, which in turn, created a trust-based partnership. Having that partnership allowed […]
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  • Case Study

    Knowing When to Pivot During the Course of an Interview Allowed our Financial Services Industry Veterans to Uncover Influential Target Audiences

    Knowing the industry and being able to pivot and probe in real-time allowed us to make important changes during the research. We were able to more effectively test, inform and refine ideas conceived of in a conference room so they reflected the real-world of not only marketing and selling software products but […]
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  • Blog

    Recruitment Perspectives: AI respondents in qual research.

    In the final installment of our Perspectives series focused on recruitment challenges, we’re digging into the potential risk AI presents for qual researchers, recruiters, and clients. CEO Bonnie Dibling, field manager Cori Bussetti, and technology moderator Chris Dethloff discuss whether there’s cause for concern about fake respondents using AI to get into studies.
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  • Blog

    The Psychology of Research: What Market Researchers Can Learn from Locus of Control

    Tackling difficult questions is all in a day’s work for B2B qualitative market researchers. After all, the ultimate goal in research is to help clients reveal answers that solving vexing challenges and provide strategic direction. But what about those questions of a more philosophical variety — such as, “are we in control of our own […]
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  • Blog

    Recruitment Perspectives: A Good Respondent Is Hard to Find

    Today’s recruiters, field managers, researchers, and clients seem to agree on one thing: the right respondents are getting harder to find for B2B qualitative research. In the second installment of our Recruitment Perspectives blog series, CEO Bonnie Dibling, field manager Cori Bussetti, lead healthcare researcher Nancy Miller; and technology moderator Chris Dethloff talk about the […]
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